Thursday, September 15, 2011

PTO meeting 9/14

It was a good meeting last night.  Many ideas and thoughts were brought to the table and discussed.  Some upcoming events are as follows:

Cookie Dough Kickoff begins September 20th
Skating party at the Beechmont Rollerena on Sept 29th from 6-8
Scholastic Book Fair end of October/beginning of November.

We discussed drop off/pick up of kids. Different ways to get involved.  Different events.  And had fun doing so.  

Looking like our next PTO meeting will be the second Wednesday in October which falls on October 12th starting at 6:30.  Remember, we need YOU to be there-be a part-and give to the group. It is fun to be a part of your children's school life and really, they love it too.  We can't work on things, change things that you may not like or give answers to your questions without you there to open up discussion. Please plan to attend the meeting and help us make this a GREAT year!

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